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Mobile: 3 Basic Pitfalls To Avoid In 2013

17 December 2012

3 basic mobile pitfalls by Red Flag Ireland Dublin Cork Wicklow

2013 is around the corner and it's time to make sure your digital media is up to par with the competition. The best way to do maintain a competitive edge next year is through mobile strategy. What's the one thing no one consumer will leave the house without? You guessed it, their smartphones. Shoppers make lists, save coupon barcodes, research what stores have in stock and compare your prices to competitors, all while in the marketplace. By now many businesses have implemented some type of mobile strategy, but there are common that should be avoided or corrected in approaching the upcoming year. The whole point of going mobile is to provide ease and convenience to your customers. Customer service is the driving force behind all successful campaigns. Here are the 3 most basic misconceptions to avoid in mobile strategy.

1 – Any website looks good on a smartphone

There is an assumption by many people that any website – including theirs – looks good on a smartphone failing to realize that for a website to look OK on a mobile it either needs to have a mobile companion site or have a responsive design. Those people ultimately fail to appreciate what a website optimised for mobile truly is.

2 – Little mobile users no need for a mobile site

Your sites current Google Analytics results will likely understate the true demand for a mobile version of your website for two reasons.

  1. A Chicken and Egg Issue: If your site is painful to view on a mobile device, it follows that few people are going to be viewing it on one.
  2. If it were better, who knows, they might be coming in droves.

In our experience of mobile site development subsequent to the release the inbound traffic from mobile increased significantly.

3 – No need for a mobile strategy

This is perhaps the single biggest mistake clients make. Companies should always answer three critical questions:

  • What is mobile’s role in the overall strategy?
  • Does it create intrinsic value for both brand and consumer?
  • And what strategic advantage will it give our client?

Is having a mobile strategy part of your good resolutions for 2013? Let us know!